Healing In Community: Shifting the Burden of Dismantling Systemic Racism
A two-day conference for those in mental and behavioral healthcare, education, youth services, faith, government, activism, and the broader community. All are welcome. At KCTI’s 6th annual fall conference we will gather once again in community to lift up the voices of those experiencing the greatest burdens of systemic oppression.
Dr. Robin DiAngelo
Keynote: White Fragility
Dr. DiAngelo is a former Associate Professor of Education. She is a two-time winner of the Student’s Choice Award for Educator of the Year from the University of Washington. Her scholarship is in White Racial Identity and Race Relations. In addition to her academic work, Dr. DiAngelo has extensive experience as a workplace consultant in issues of race relations and racial justice. She was appointed to co-design the City of Seattle’s Race & Social Justice Initiative Training. She has numerous publications and just completed the 2nd edition of her book, “What Does it Mean to be White?: Developing White Racial Literacy. Her work on White Fragility has influenced the national dialogue on race and been featured in AlterNet, Salon, NPR, The New York Times, The Atlantic, Slate and Colorlines.